



       今年是品保委与论坛主办方World Trademark Review (WTR) 合作的第三年。知保君依稀记得第一年的合作,品保委副主席王志平代表品保委致词,细致介绍了品保委的组成、历史及主要工作。很多发言代表都是品保委的会员,“品保委”是会议高频率用词。有的参会人员情不自禁来到品保委展位,询问“Who is QBPC”。








        Mr. Little Trevor, 论坛主办方World Trademark Review杂志编辑致开场词。Trevor 指出此次论坛的主题“从品牌保护到价值创造”,旨在将专业人士在知识产权保护实际工作中与外部执法部门和与公司内部其他部门有效的沟通、合作经验进行分享,确保品牌保护在价值创造链中的地位。




        丁宇, 品保委副主席,ABB集团亚洲、中东和非洲地区知识产权总监受邀做欢迎致词。丁宇的致词精简但信息量充足,特别是他在致词中提及的 VUCA时代, 引起共鸣与思考。下面是丁宇的发言全文:

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to this event “Brand Protection Strategy China”, I am Michael Ding from ABB, and take lead IP operations in Asia, Middle East and Africa region. I also take lead ABB global anti counterfeit activities. As partner of WTR, I am very glad to be invited and have the opportunity to do the opening speech on behalf of QBPC today. 

First, let me give you a very brief introduction of QBPC. QBPC was established in 2000, and now has 192 members, we are “member share & member driven” association, focus on IP legislation, IPR enforcement and IP awareness promotion, especially in brand protection related area. QPBC act as very important bridge between brand owners and various IPR stakeholders, including China central and local government authorities. 

When first look at today’s subject, “from brand protection to value creation”, I am very excited, because this is what we are pursuing, no matter as an in house IP, or external firms or even relevant government authorities.

We are now is the era of VUCA (Volatility, Ambiguity, Complexity Uncertainty). In general, it means the world changing so fast, business encounter a lot of challenge. How brand protection can contribute more value to business is something that we need to do more study and should focus on.

When you discuss with business about trademark or product name application strategy in China, have you thoroughly considered and communicated competitive trademark situation with business?

When you plan how many criminal or administrative actions that you will conduct against counterfeiters, or litigation you will initiate against infringers, have you considered what will be business reaction when you report such statistics or the value added to them?

 When you worked with external firms as well as IP enforcement authorities, have you considered what is the best strategy and cost-effective approach to be taken?

 How to set up the right on-line and off-line brand protection strategy, including offensive and defensive, to support your business growth

Have you keep close eyes on the legislation and judicial changes and update, e.g. anti-unfair competition law, e-commerce law, potential amendment on trademark law, etc, and provide constructive suggestions?

After went through today’s agenda, I am really pleased to see that most the topics that I just mentioned will be covered today. I am confident that you will think it is valuable to spend one day here, to exchange and learn from each other. Wish you all have a great event. Thanks.





